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On behalf of the Advancing Agency in Language Education research team, we would like to extend an invitation to participate in a landscape survey which aims to explore teachers’ experiences with action-oriented, technology-mediated, and plurilingual practices in language education. Our research project is coordinated by Dr. Enrica Piccardo (University of Toronto/OISE), in collaboration with Drs. Angelica Galante (McGill University), Aline Germain-Rutherford (University of Ottawa), and Geoff Lawrence (York University).


This survey is directed at educators in Canada who are teaching English, French, German and/or Spanish as a second/additional language in K-12, post-secondary, and/or adult settings that may include public, private, governmental, non-governmental or community contexts. In this survey, you will be asked to reflect on your own experiences and teaching practice. Your reflection will help the researchers better understand the above-mentioned key areas, and will help to inform the development of a professional toolkit facilitating plurilingual, technology-mediated, and action-oriented approaches to language education.


This landscape survey (~15-20 mins) consists of 4 parts:

  1. demographic questionnaire

  2. teaching experience questionnaire

  3. pedagogy questionnaire on your familiarity with and use of action-oriented, technology-mediated, and plurilingual pedagogies

  4. classroom practices questionnaire on your recent/current classroom practices


Please note that this survey is available in English, French, German, and Spanish.


If you have any questions about this survey, please contact our Research Assistant, Karam Noel, at:


Thank you for considering participating in this project!

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